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Buzz Off! A Comprehensive Guide To Preventing Flies In Your Dover Home

a close up of a phorid fly

Ever swatted aimlessly at a buzzing fly circling your kitchen, only to have it return again and again? Well, you're not alone. In our region, pest control in Dover has become an increasingly important concern for homeowners. Understanding the different types of flies and their behaviors can be key to keeping them out of your home. Let's dive in!

A Guide To Fly Identification: Types And Behaviors

Every fly that plagues your home isn't created equal. There are different types of flies that each possess unique behaviors. Here's a brief overview:

  • House flies: Often found around food and trash, they are gray with distinct lines on their bodies.
  • Fruit flies: These tiny, reddish-brown pests love ripened fruit and decaying food.
  • Phorid flies: Recognizable by their humped backs, they breed in decaying matter and are often mistaken for fruit flies.
  • Drain flies: Tiny, fuzzy, and moth-like, these pests emerge from sink drains.

Identifying the type of fly is the first step in crafting a tailored solution to get rid of flies in your house.

The Impact Of Flies In The House: Health Risks And Concerns

While flies might seem harmless at a first glance, they can bring along numerous health risks. Flies feed on decaying matter, waste, and other unsanitary substances. They can easily pick up harmful bacteria and pathogens and transfer them onto the surfaces of your home. Some of the illnesses and pathogens associated with flies include:

  • Food poisoning-causing bacteria like E. coli and salmonella
  • Parasites such as tapeworms
  • Viruses that can lead to conditions like conjunctivitis

It's not just an annoyance issue; it's a health risk, which makes it even more essential to keep flies away.

Maintaining A Fly-Free Environment: Daily Practices For Prevention

If you're aiming for a fly-free home, here are some effective daily practices:

  • Maintaining cleanliness: Flies are attracted to food remnants and decaying organic matter. Regular cleaning, especially in the kitchen, reduces their attraction.
  • Securing your trash: Make sure your garbage bins are sealed well.
  • Storing food properly: Keep perishable items in the refrigerator and store other foods in airtight containers.
  • Home remedies for flies: There are numerous DIY solutions to keep flies at bay. Bowls of vinegar with a drop of soap, for instance, can attract and drown fruit flies. Keep in mind home remedies offer limited effectiveness against an infestation.
  • Repairing screens: Ensure that window and door screens have no holes, providing flies with a gateway into your home.

While these daily practices can help, sometimes a persistent fly problem might indicate a larger infestation issue. That's when it's time to consider calling in the professionals.

Seeking Professional Help: When To Call The Experts About Phorid Flies

Despite your best efforts, sometimes flies just won't buzz off. Phorid flies, in particular, can be quite stubborn and challenging to eliminate. If you notice these tiny pests with humped backs consistently, even after trying various prevention methods, it might be time to seek help.

At Dependable Pest Solutions, we specialize in tackling stubborn fly infestations. With years of experience and state-of-the-art equipment, our experts can assess the situation, pinpoint the cause, and craft a solution to ensure a fly-free environment. While there are many remedies to consider, professional intervention ensures that the job is done right and that these nuisances won't return in the near future.

As a homeowner, you should have the peace of mind that comes with a clean, safe living environment. And when it comes to local fly control, Dependable Pest Solutions is the trusted name to turn to. Whether it's a one-time treatment or ongoing home pest control services, we've got you covered. Buzz off, flies! Your home is in safe hands.