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Bed Bug Identification & Prevention

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What are bed bugs?

Bed bugs are external parasites that look a lot like ticks because they're flat, brown, and oval-shaped. Unlike ticks, bed bugs are insects rather than arachnids. Despite the fact that these parasites are not related to each other, they both survive on blood.

Bed bugs have a very specific strategy for obtaining a blood meal. They take up residence inside your mattress or anything else you regularly come into contact with and wait for you to be still long enough for them to snag a bite. Usually, this works out best for them when you're asleep, but you don't necessarily have to be.

bed bug infestation

Are bed bugs dangerous?

As a general rule, bed bugs are not dangerous. Unlike ticks and fleas, they don't transmit any diseases. Bed bugs also don't have venom, stingers, or anything else that might harm you.

The main problem with bed bugs is that they can interrupt your sleep. Knowing that you're sharing a bed with bugs can often lead to anxiety and insomnia, especially true if you know you will wake up with bites in the morning. Sleep loss is the main threat these insects pose.

Why do I have a bed bug problem?

Unfortunately, it's extremely easy to wind up with a bed bug problem. All you have to do is go somewhere there are bed bugs, and you can come home with them. What's worse is there may be bed bugs just about anywhere with an influx of people coming and going.

Of course, if you travel, there's always the risk of winding up with bed bugs because you might get them in your hotel. However, you may also wind up with bed bugs when using public transportation, going to the laundromat, or doing secondhand shopping. Pretty much anywhere you come into contact with people or their stuff could put you in contact with bed bugs. There's no rhyme or reason you have a bed bug problem. You were probably just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Where will I find bed bugs?

Given their name, you would think you would find bed bugs only in the bed. Of course, you will find bed bugs in your bed, but you'll also find them just about anywhere else. Bed bugs can hide in some pretty crazy places, like under keyboard keys, inside appliances, and even behind light switch covers. You might find them in your sofa or between your carpet fibers, just about anywhere they can squeeze into. Their elusiveness is one of the things that makes bed bug treatment so difficult.

How do I get rid of bed bugs?

If you already have a bed bug infestation, eliminating them on your own is next to impossible. You might see articles online saying you can use essential oils or other natural treatments for bed bugs, but this is simply not true if you already have an established infestation.

If you already see signs of bed bugs, the best way to get rid of them is to call the bed bug experts here at Dependable Pest Solutions. We work hard to provide the most affordable and effective pest control services in Dover. Whether you have a bed full of bugs or your whole house is full, we can help eliminate your infestation.

How can I prevent bed bugs in the future?

While there's not a lot you can do if you already have an existing infestation, there is a whole lot you can do to prevent bed bugs. Just follow these tips:

  • Check hotel mattresses for signs of bugs before sitting on them.
  • Wash and dry clothes on the highest heat setting when returning from travel.
  • Avoid secondhand shopping if you can.
  • If you cannot avoid secondhand shopping, check your purchases before bringing them inside.
  • Always avoid laying luggage on hotel beds or sofas.

Remember, if you wind up with a bed bug infestation despite your best efforts, call the best home pest control for bed bugs around here at Dependable Pest Solutions!

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"I would highly recommend Dependable Pest Solutions. We’ve had issues with ants on our vacation property. They come right out and take care of the problem. Their communication and follow up Is great. We now have them treat our property regularly as a preventive measure"

Jane Elliott
family of four

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