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What Do Bats Do During The Winter?

a bat in a cave

The temperatures are starting to drop, and animals across the country are starting to prepare. Some hibernate, some migrate south, and some stick it out in the elements (but not before packing on a few pounds to stay warm).

What about bats, though? Do they migrate, or do they hibernate? The answer is that it depends! Some species of bats head south, while others stay up north and take a long nap. Read on to learn more about the winter habits of bats and how we can help with bat removal in Dover, NH.


The idea of taking a few months off and heading down south sounds pretty nice, doesn’t it? Some bats sure think so! Judging by their name, it shouldn’t be too surprising to find out that Mexican free-tailed bats head south for the winter and roost in Mexico. Other species, like hoary bats, roost in trees in the southern United States and northern Mexico. These bats migrate because food is plentiful in these warmer climates, and they’re better able to regulate their body temperature. When springtime rolls around, you’ll see these creatures of the night heading back up north for the summer.


Brown bats and many other species of bats must not like the thought of all that travel because they stay up north and hibernate throughout the winter while waiting for insects and other food to return. During hibernation, a bat’s heart rate drops from 300 beats per minute all the way down to 10 beats per minute—they can go minutes without breathing, and their body temperature can drop to near freezing. They may stay in this period of extreme hibernation for a few hours (just to save energy throughout the day) or for many months, depending on the species.

Bats hibernate in caves, mines, rock formations, and even in your home. These locations, known as hibernacula, generally have just the right temperature and humidity levels to keep the bats from freezing to death while they’re waiting out the winter months.

I Have Bats! How Can I Get Rid Of Them?

Has your attic become a temporary shelter for bats this winter? That’s definitely not an ideal situation, as bat droppings can spread diseases. Luckily, bat removal in Dover, NH, is quite a bit easier than you might think. The main thing to note about bat removal is that you shouldn’t try to do it yourself—always hire an experienced professional to take care of those bats. During the removal process, we’ll first determine how the bats got in and where exactly they have set up camp in your home. Next, we’ll carefully remove and relocate each bat. Finally, we’ll seal your attic to ensure that you don’t have any bats up there again any time soon.

Regardless of the type of pests or critters that have infested your home, be sure to call Dependable Pest Solutions to remove them! Our professionals have years of experience dealing with all sorts of different bugs and animals, so you know you can count on us to get the job done right the first time.