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What To Do About Bees Hanging Around Your Dover Yard

bee on a white flower

There is no denying that a world without bees would be a much bleaker existence. However, even though these flying insects are beneficial to have around, it doesn't necessarily mean that you want them hanging around your home. At Dependable Pest Solutions, we are a locally-owned company that has been providing pest control in Dover for almost two decades. We know how to safely remove these bothersome bugs from your property. 

The Life Cycle Of The Honey Bee

Honey bee hives are made up of three different groups: workers, drones, and the queen. While all bees go through four different stages of life, it takes certain types of bees a little longer to reach adulthood than it does other groups.

The four stages of life for a honeybee include:

  • Egg: After a queen has mated, she will go into the hive to lay her eggs. She can lay several hundred eggs in one day. The eggs are small, white, and oval-shaped. They look similar to small grains of rice. 
  • Larva: After three days, a larva will form inside the egg. Larvae are small, white creatures that have no legs or eyes. They resemble tiny maggots.
  • Pupa: This is the stage where the bee goes through metamorphosis. The larva will build a cocoon around itself while it is still inside the egg. While it's in the cocoon, its legs, head, wings, and thorax will start to form, making it look more like a bee. 
  • Adult: After the pupa has completely developed, it will eat its way out of its egg and emerge a fully grown bee. For queen bees, the entire process from egg to adult lasts around 16 days. The process lasts around 20 days for worker bees and 25 days for drones. 

While there can be several hundred female bees in one hive, only the queen can lay eggs. All of the other female bees are workers. The drones are males, and their main job is to mate with the queen. 

Why Bees In The Yard Can Be A Problem

Honey bees are social creatures that like to live in large colonies with several hundred bees living in one hive. Usually, bees will try to stick to themselves. However, if you get too close to their hive, they can become aggressive when trying to defend their colony.

If you are stung by a bee, you will usually experience pain and minor swelling around the site of the sting. However, if you disturb a large honey bee hive, you could end up being stung by several bees at one time. Even if you are not allergic to bee stings, having multiple bees inject venom into your body could cause severe symptoms, which include convulsions, dizziness, headache, nausea, and fever. 

Factors Bees Look For When Building A Hive

When a beehive gets too big, some bees will go out and look for a new place to build a hive. This usually takes place during the later spring and early summer. 

When bees are looking for a new place to live, one of the biggest factors is safety. They will try to find a location away from people, animals, and anything else that can disturb it. Usually, bees will find a hollowed-out tree to build their hive. However, they can build it in any area they think may be the safest.

Call The Experts For The Safe Removal Of A Bee's Nest

Removing a bee hive from your property can be extremely dangerous. If you are dealing with bees around your Dover home, give us a call today. At Dependable Pest Solutions, we know how to safely remove bees from your Dover property to ensure that you and your family are not in any danger.